Household Uplifting Program – Conditional Cash Transfer

The Household Uplifting Program consists of three main components:

  1. The Base
  2. Top-Up
  3. Livelihood

Every beneficiary identified and falling below the absolute poverty line qualifies for the first type of transfer, known as the Base.

The Base aims to stabilize household consumption and assist in acquiring productive assets.

The Top-Up, the second component, also known as Co-Responsibility addresses intergenerational poverty by focusing on the human capital development of beneficiaries, in addition to the Base transfer they receive. This component provides additional support to stimulate demand for health and educational services, improving school attendance and enrollment. It also helps pregnant mothers attend antenatal care and ensures children under five receive immunizations. Additionally, the Top-Up addresses negative coping and facilitates positive behavioural change among beneficiaries and their communities alike.

The Livelihood component of NASSP is meant to complement Cash transfer in order to create an enterprise mindset among beneficiaries to enable them engage in sustainable income generating activities which will facilitate their exit from the programme. Beneficiaries are encouraged to voluntarily form saving groups, imbibe savings culture and engage in sustainable economic activities. Also their capacity is built around life skills, micro business skills. They are also Coached and mentored to ensure development of enterprises and establishment of businesses.