Livelihood Support

Livelihood support based on this project is meant to complement the cash transfer in order to support targeted households to move out of poverty. The specific aim of the livelihood intervention is to build a mind-set of enterprise development in order to reduce abject poverty in communities and create opportunities for work both on-farm and off-farm especially among women and youth.

Objectives of Livelihood Support are to:
• Increase the income of household with beneficiaries who engage in productive activities.
• Improve consumption and food security
• Improve beneficiaries ‘asset holdings
• Improve psychosocial wellbeing
• Support graduation of beneficiaries out of poverty

Livelihood support shall commence on a pilot basis, thereafter it shall be scaled-up. Six pilot states have been selected one from each geopolitical region to incorporate cultural diversity and ethnicity for the study. Two LGAs (One rural and one semi-urban) per state have been selected for the study to allow for comparison of results and to provide experiences from different working environment.

Household members shall select a productive member as livelihood beneficiary i.e. member of the household who is likely to channel their efforts productively into livelihood activities. Livelihood intervention shall provide trainings such as value chain development of agricultural produce, vocational skills, entrepreneurial skills, and business management skills for capacity building and also grants for the productive members of the beneficiary households to establish sustainable livelihood. Best practices from the pilot shall be scaled up to other states. Plans for rolling out the pilot intervention to additional states shall be reviewed and decided based on the implementation experience and impact evaluation results.